what is dark web in easy words

what is dark web

dark web is just a bad mistake made by the American army for their safety on the web this is actually used to remain amanous and it is used to host un-accessible websites on google chrome.
dark web is only available on the special browser called TOR the tor invention made more crimes online.

crimes related to dark web never show up their are some fake stories about dark web as youtuber's say they do murders and satisficing stuff
stuff for odd people.

do you watch pimple pissing video's on youtube. ?
if you do watch it regularly I am sure that you might have a thought of watching the people being killed. 

this is also called as Post traumatic stress disorder  shortly said as PTSD 


I started somewhere and going some where lol lets come to the point 

The darkweb is a source for hiding yourself online on internet 


The dark web provide's you a bunch of stuff which is not safe.

.Drugs dealing

.Providing guns

.Hiring Hackers


.Email services

.Hiring hitman
i think you know 
what a hit man is.

....................much more .

here the short stories ends...

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